0303 SkolGut Agency 2023
If you are Brazilian, you can check your cell phone. We know that you've already received many telemarketing calls with random numbers. Of couse, they try a many tricks. It’s just as well, since 2022, you can identify telemarketing calls if they start with 0303. But let's face it, no one can handle this every day anymore. That's why Skol has converted telemarketing call numbers into discount coupons to redeem for Skol products.

CCO: Bruno Brux | ECDs: Murilo Melo e Tiago Abreu | Creative Director: Diego Ferrite, Gabi Marcatto, Julia Mota e Lucas Adam | Creatives: Wally de Oliveira, Luana SIlva, Alpho Ramsay, Gabriel Marcondes e Rafael Kaminart | Social Creatives: Carolina Souza, Clécius Gonzaga | Film: Nuv&m | Audio: Carbono Sound Lab | 3D: Vinícius Lavor
©2025Wally OliveiraArt Director