SOS TomatoesGut Agency 2023
Soil degradation is killing tomatoes faster than you think and that compromises the future of ketchup. Help protect millions of them by playing Heinz's Fortnite Island - an island that portrays the rapid rate at which soil health is declining in the real world.Playing in the virtual world will have a positive impact on the real world, with Heinz helping to protect an extra 13.5M m2 of soil (equating to more than 1600 football pitches).

Cannes lions 2023
Shortlist - Entertainment Lions For Gaming

Clube de Criação Brasil
Silver - Digital / Game

ECDs: Bruno Brux e Murilo Melo / Creative Directors: Gabi Marcatto e Diego Ferrite / Creatives: Phillipe Santos, Airton Dias e Wallyson de Oliveira

My role: Art Direction, Design

©2025Wally OliveiraArt Director